Aug 23, 2021
We're half the men our grandfathers were, and now you can do something about it.
GET A $45 mail in hormone test and virtual dr. visit here.
Saad Alam found out he had the testosterone of an 80 year old when he was in his 30s. So he created what is now the fastest growing men's health company in the...
Aug 16, 2021
Dr. Bredesen is beating Alzheimer's...
And now, he's telling the stories of those who have reversed Alzheimer's in his new book - The First Survivor of Alzheimer's.
The Alzheimer's statistics are staggering and dwarf all but two causes of death in the U.S.
In this relevant, and fascinating episode we cover:
Aug 9, 2021
Some people are on a whole other level. Ra definitely is.
Ra is wildly successful working with super food line purium health.
He hosts a weekly Kriya yoga practice - kriyaoftheweek.
He also drinks his own urine from time to time.
HIs Instagram is a treasure trove of off-the-wall and incredibly insightful practices...
Aug 5, 2021
Why would anyone want to immerse themselves in icy cold water?
Listen up and we'll tell you.
GET $100 off Plunge plus free shipping HERE - USE CODE OPP
Plunging into cold water for just a few minutes a day has a long list of health benefits.
In this episode we cover it all!
•The most advanced cold plunge device in...