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Optimal Performance

Jan 24, 2022

Measuring the age of your immune system.

Gordon Lauc is the Chief Science Officer of Glycanage and a professor of molecular biology. 

GlycanAge is your key to healthy ageing. It is the only biological age test that accurately measures your unique response to lifestyle change.

Find Optimal Performance Podcast episodes,...

Jan 17, 2022

Leonard T. Perlmutter is the founder and director of The American Meditation Institute in Averill Park, New York, and the originator of National Conscience Month. 

He's also the author of Your Conscience - The key to unlock unlimited wisdom and creativity and solve all of life's challenges

Find Optimal Performance...

Jan 10, 2022

Dr. David Haase is doing the most innovative healthcare in the world at Maxwell Clinic. 

His work with therapeutic blood plasma exchange is mind-blowing.

In this fascinating interview we cover:

•Removing plasma and re-injecting it to boost the systems of your body

•Starting regeneration processes earlier in life...

Jan 7, 2022

Katie Silcox is the author of Healthy, Happy Sexy and she's absolute expert in integrated Ayurveda.

Before biohacking was a thing...the yogis were testing extracts and herbs on themselves. Blows the mind really. 

You can find her podcast Spirit Sessions HERE

In this light-hearted and fascinating podcast we cover: 

Jan 3, 2022

Year in Review Test

  -Most consistent themes from 2021 in 59 episodes

  -Prioritize sleep

  -Experiment; nutrition, exercise, performance enhancement devices


-What have we learned about our own health this year?

  -We need be in charge of our own health; health leaders have proven ineffective. Our government cannot...