Apr 28, 2022
Iphones, Airbuds - anything with bluetooth is affecting your brain.
And since you're not going to stop using your cellphone you need protection.
Waveblock is perhaps the most effective EMF and bluetooth blocking tech available. GET 15% off with promo code OPP HERE
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Apr 25, 2022
You have to see the pics of my experience in the Blu Room!
A mirrored octagonal faraday cage with UVB and blue lights...yes, it's like being in a space ship. AGAIN..click on the link above to see more.
Mike Wright from Blu Room explains how this healing modality works. It's fascinating!!!
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Apr 15, 2022
Your health tracker data is useless. Unless it activates you toward change. George from basis knows this.
Basis gives you a plan for your health tracker data.
Find OPP episodes, discounts on health optimization gear and learn about the work I do as a Life Coach and Performance Coach at Seanmccormick.com
Apr 11, 2022
Benjamin and Azrya Bequer are on a mission to to elevate humanity and co-create a more beautiful world.
And they have a plan.
Find Optimal Performance Podcast episodes, discounts on health optimization gear and learn about the work I do as a Life Coach and Performance Coach at Seanmccormick.com
Apr 4, 2022
We are a metabolically broken society. We need tools to help us.
Noosheen Hashemi from January AI brings us an incredible solution that may shift metabolic and overall health to millions, maybe billions.
Find Optimal Performance Podcast episodes, discounts on health optimization gear and learn about the work I do as a...