May 30, 2018
We've got a bit of a different podcast today for you Guys & Gals, but it's still a goodie, and jam packed with exciting information. The Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Dean Radin, joins us to discuss his expertise on real magic and how can it optimize performance for everyone. Dr. Radin is the...
May 23, 2018
Dr. Dale Bredesen is the Founding President and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging at UCLA, and today we have him on the OPP. He is the author of the New York Times Best Selling book The End of Alzheimer's and an expert on Cognition and Neurodegenerative Diseases. His research has provided new discoveries...
May 15, 2018
Today on the Optimal Performance Podcast, we have Cavin Balaster, who shares with us his knowledge on brain injuries. Seven years ago Cavin fell off of a water tower scaffolding and suffered a major brain injury that pinned the odds against him, but he went on to beat those odds and he is here to educate us. He informs...
May 8, 2018
On today's episode of the Optimal Performance Podcast, we digging with Nina Teicholz called The Big Fat Surprise. This book took 10 years to write because Nina got into so many different studies about how saturated fats were bad for you.
Her book tells the story of why it is the way that it is now, why the food...
May 1, 2018
In this episode of the Optimal Performance Podcast, we talk with Dr. Michael Bruce. Dr. Bruce is THE guys for sleep. He's been on Dr. Oz, has worked with many high profile wellness professionals, doctors and researchers.
He has come up with these sleep chronotypes are (I happen to be a bear meaning I go to sleep at a...