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Optimal Performance

Nov 30, 2021

Garrett Salpeter is using direct electrical stimulation to help recovery, chronic pain and maximizing workout results.

Find out more about the Neubie here

Watch the testimonial of Amy, who went from paralyzed from the waist walking with a walker!!!

In this episode we cover:

•Mimicking hundreds and hundreds...

Nov 24, 2021

If you do these 5 things on Thanksgiving you'll be better off.

Short solo episode to give you some tips to thrive on Thursday.

Connect with me directly here: 

Nov 22, 2021

In this episode Marc Champagne takes us through the process of tuning up our mental fitness by asking powerful questions. 

Marc is the host of the Top 50 Podcast "Behind The Human"

Check out his book Personal Socrates 

Achieve your goals, change your life, recover from depression all by asking the right questions. 


Nov 11, 2021

Are you ready to have your mind blown? 

Most of our western medicines are based on plants found in the Amazon rain forest. So why don't we know more about them? 

Enter Travis Bodick, who is about to unpack and explain a number of the most powerful indigenous plant medicines that you can use at home. 

Find his books

Nov 5, 2021

Charles Darwin said "It is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable."

The reason you're alive now is because your ancestors were able to adapt the environment around them. Now is no different.

Robert Overweg has been developing frameworks and systems for individuals and Fortune 50 companies...