Dec 30, 2015
The only magnesium to cross the blood brain barrier, MagTein can reverse the aging process, lower brain age by 9 years, restore lost executive function, and increase synapse density in as little as 2-4 weeks.
Dec 24, 2015
Increase connection, flow, vitality, and mindfulness all while mastering orgasm. That's what One Taste's Eli Block is here to explain with Orgasmic Meditation on Episode 31 of the Optimal Performance Podcast.
Dec 16, 2015
Chiropractor and Canadian Olympic volleyball player Dr. Josh Binstock is our guest on Episode #30 of the Optimal Performance Podcast, and he's discussing the importance of a positive mindset, using visualization, dealing with travel and offering chiropractic insights on movement, posture and training.
Dec 9, 2015
CILTEP creator Abelard Lindsay discusses Dopamine Brain Food, dopamine metabolism and receptors, our habits, and using feedback to live optimal.
Dec 3, 2015
2014 World Series of Poker Champion Martin Jacobson discusses following your dreams, trusting yourself, staying patient and positive and how to win it all.