Jun 24, 2019
If you're listening to this you're interested in being your best self - and Tim Gray has a ton of ideas for you. So many ideas in fact, that he's hosting the largest biohacking conference in Europe.
Tim is hosting The Health Optimisation Summit in London, UK September 14th and 15th - where he's compiled a staggering lineup of speakers:
Dave Asprey, Marek Doyle, Matt Maruca, Harry Adelson, Quantified Bob, Siim Land, Gerald Pollack, Christopher Shade, Shaman Durek, John Gray and MORE!
I love the way Tim and his team are positioning The Health Optimisation Summit: Biohacking, Nutrition, Fitness and Medical Worlds.
In this episode we talk a lot about some new supplements, tonics and approaches for optimal health. Here's a few.
Quinton Hypertonic, Nuzest Protein, Grounding Bedsheet
Tim also shares how he thinks and activates on his own health optimization - which I love.