Feb 6, 2018
Lots of exciting content in this episode of the OPP. We sit down with Natural Stacks co-founder Roy Krebs. Tons of exciting announcements and chances to win cool stuff!
We're really excited to give you a chance to win a Concept 2 Rower! We're always looking to hook you guys up stuff you'll love. Enter here.
CILTEP Studies coming soon
-2 large scale, double-bling placebo controls with two groups healthy adults, and healthy elderly. Of course, these are top notch University studies instead of a Contract Research Organization (which many other supplement companies use) which leave room for manipulation.
-Ciltep to-go pack! Take it with you when you travel. No-brainer.
-This March we're releasing a drink! Won't say which product though (wink)
- Targeted probiotic products for memory, focus and sleep. Roy is developing a probiotic supplement which will be for specific optimization. Studies are showing that specific strains help specific areas and Roy is working to optimize probiotics.
- Better Blue Blocker Glasses - along with an eye health supplement sold as a stack
-We'll be looking at developing some online courses in collaboration with the NS Board of Directors - who are experts in nutrition, brain training and the body.
-OPP as a whole, will continue to evolve and focus on useable, accessible content that everyone can use.
-We may be reaching out to you to hear your story and potentially have you on the podcast to share your journey with everyone.
Roy is a master innovator as you probably already know, so it should come as no surprise that he's working on a dozen projects all at once. But the best part about it - everything Roy develops is done with transparency, high ethics and accountability to the absolute best possible ingredients. As Roy mentioned, every batch of every product is tested and results posted online for you to see.
As always, we want to hear from you. We want your feedback, reviews, thoughts and concerns. If you have a cool show idea - we want to hear it. If you have a cool story to tell - let us know. If you want to be an affiliate, email ben@naturalstacks.com
Stay tuned folks, there's a lot more where this came from!
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